Funny Marriage Facts: It is not something persevered but rather enjoyed. It is the union of two hearts  that would relinquish for alternate's joy and prosperity. Marriage is something so delightful that in that common world it would be an opening rose, dependably with brilliant petals left to spread out to a warm sun. Maybe that is the reason we offer roses to those we cherish and regularly have them at our sacrosanct unions. Marriage is the gift we provide for each other, an endless obligation of perfect partners. Given below are some Funny Marriage facts.

Funny Marriage Facts: Which will amuse you surely:

  1. A 99 year old man found her 96 year old wife's affair before their marriage in 1940s and divorced her.
  2. In first two years after marriage mostly married couple seems unhappy.
  3. In Vietnam a mental health certificate is required from an approved doctor before getting married.
  4. Only 20% marriages in history are other than the second cousins.
  5. Marriage with dead person is allowed in France.
  6. At the age of 16 there are 75% chances that you meet the person whom you will marry.
  7. 75% love marriages result is the divorce.
  8. An average married couple find only four minutes to spend alone together due to many distractions.
  9. Couple who live together before marriage has greater chances of divorce after marriage.
  10. In Germany, after marriage the bride's parents kidnap her and require from groom to find her to show his love.
  11. A survey found that 72% women want to find a reason to leave their husband.
  12. Married people save much money and its 4 times than the single people.
We are pretty sure that you enjoyed our best efforts for the marriage facts. Its necessary to know completely about that thing which you want to get or you are going to engaged with. Here are some other facts as a result of our best efforts such as 10 World Best Places.


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